HTML5 .js google hosted
or simply copy the code below and paste it into your header.php
<!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="//"></script><![endif]-->
How to style your radio button? Using simple CSS, you can do whatever styles in your radio button (<input type=”radio” value=”my radio button” />). Try this code your own. Output: my radio button my radio button input[type=radio] { -webkit-appearance: textfield; background: green; border: 5px solid #000; padding: 7px; border-radius: 50%; } input[type=radio]:checked { background: red;…
Dequeue or deregister a style or script of JS Composer WordPress plugin using your current theme functions.php. Paste the codes below. <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’js_composer_front-css’ href=’′ type=’text/css’ media=’all’ /> <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script> add_filter( ‘vc_shortcode_output’, ‘anton_vc_shortcode_output’, 10, 4 ); function anton_vc_shortcode_output($output, $xx, $atts ){ wp_dequeue_style( ‘js_composer_front’ ); wp_dequeue_script( ‘wpb_composer_front_js’ ); return $output; }
The7 social network share button open new window instead of new tab. Copy the codes below to your JS file. $(‘.soc-ico a’ ).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault();, "myWindowName", "width=800, height=600"); });
function xselect( $table, $form = 0, $to = 9999 ){ return "SELECT {$table}.ID, {$table}.price,{$table}.model,{$table}.make, concat(make, ‘ ‘, model) AS makemodel FROM {$table} INNER JOIN wp_posts ON {$table}.ID = wp_posts.ID ORDER BY makemodel ASC LIMIT {$form}, {$to}"; } function xget_results( $table, $form, $to ){ global $wpdb; return $wpdb->get_results( xselect( $table, $form, $to ) ); }