WDES Responsive Popup documentation
Page Settings
In every popup created, each of them has a dedicated page settings that applies only that specific popup. You can setup an awesome popup using this features.
[wdes-popup-title id=”1603″ class=”button”]
Shortcode attributes
Popup Title Shortcode attributes
id – (required) This is your popup ID, without this, the popup will not work.
class – (optional) You can add your custom classes using this attribute.
title – (optional) You can override the popup title using this attribute.
Popup Content Shortcode attributes
id – (required) This is your popup ID, without this, the popup will not work.
class – (optional) You can add your custom classes using this attribute.
Using ready function in your custom templates
Same on the shortcode attributs, it applies also on the ready function.
Popup Title parameters
id – (required) This is your popup ID, without this, the popup will not work.
class – (optional) You can add your custom classes using this parameter.
wdes_popup_title( array( 'id' => 1039, 'class' => 'button my-class' ) );
title – (optional) You can override the popup title using this parameter.
wdes_popup_title( array( 'id' => 1039, 'title' => 'My New Title' ) );
content-id – (optional) You can override the popup content ID using this parameter. Note that the content ID must be declared also in `wdes_popup_content( $args )` to work them both. See example in Example usage in WP_Query.
wdes_popup_title( array( 'id' => 1039, 'content-id' => 'my-content-id' ) ); // If you declare `content-id` value, then this must added also in your `wdes_popup_content( $args )`. Popup won't work without synchronizing them. See example below. wdes_popup_content( array( 'id' => 1039, 'content-id' => 'my-content-id' ) );
Popup Content parameters
id – (required) This is your popup ID, without this, the popup will not work.
class – (optional) You can add your custom classes using this parameter.
wdes_popup_content( array( 'id' => 1039, 'class' => 'my-content-class' ) );
content-id – (optional) You can override the popup content ID using this parameter. Note that the content ID must be declared also in `wdes_popup_title( $args )` to work them both. See example in Example usage in WP_Query.
wdes_popup_content( array( 'id' => 1039, 'content-id' => 'my-content-id' ) ); // If you declare `content-id` value, then this must added also in your `wdes_popup_title( $args )`. Popup won't work without synchronizing them. See example below. wdes_popup_title( array( 'id' => 1039, 'content-id' => 'my-content-id' ) );
Example usage in WP_Query.
$the_query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'post' ) ); if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) { echo '<ul>'; while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) { $the_query->the_post(); echo '<li>' . wdes_popup_title( array( 'id' => 1039, 'title' => get_the_title(), 'class' => 'my-title-class', 'content-id' => 'popup-post-' . get_the_ID() ) ) . '</li>'; wdes_popup_content( array( 'id' => 1039, 'class' => 'my-content-class', 'content-id' => 'popup-post-' . get_the_ID(), 'content' => get_the_content() ) ); } echo '</ul>'; wp_reset_postdata(); }
[wdes-popup-content id=”1603″]