
This domain has been suspended due to non-completion of an ICANN-mandated contact verification

This domain has been suspended due to non-completion of an ICANN-mandated contact verification

This domain has been suspended due to non-completion of an ICANN-mandated contact verification.

As part of the ongoing effort to improve contact quality, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires validation for each registrant contact registering a generic TLD. This is required since January 1, 2014 for all gTLDs.

Ok, the text above shows the domain error if your buyer (person who purchase your domain) trying to use your information on the domain. Refer to this instructions they have to check their email if they receive an email regarding.


They have change the domain holder to yours instead them. Since I have Web Hosting services, I can purchase also a domain for my clients. For better results, I’m changing the domain holder registrant my clients information and the results if the don’t activate it is domain suspension.

This is the email format for the domain holder. Make sure they will verify the codes.

After this verification the domain will resume the error will be gone in a few hours.

Hopefully this blog help you 🙂


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