Genesis plugins
- Genesis Layout Extras
- Genesis Simple Hooks
- Genesis Style Trump
- Genesis Visual Hook Guide
Where ‘style-woocommerce’ is the ID of your stylesheet and get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/style-woocommerce.css’ is your .css DIR. Function below is for woocommerce page css only. This will show on woocommerce pages else is not.
Add Woocommerce product featured image using GeneratePress WordPress theme in few steps. You need to access your functions.php. Either on a parent theme or a child theme. In my case I’m using a child theme so gonna paste the codes below on child themes functions.php Please copy the code below and paste it into your…
ERROR: Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template.php on line 3113 Copy this code to your functions.php in-case you did not find where there error from.
VIDEOJS: ERROR: videojs-contrib-ads has not seen a loadstart event 5 seconds after being initialized, but a source is present. This indicates that videojs-contrib-ads was initialized too late. It must be initialized immediately after video.js in the same tick. As a result, some ads will not play and some media events will be incorrect. For more…
How to fix ajax POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error)? I’m receiving this error in console when I’m about to call my ajax code backend. It appears to me that I am missing global variable in enable the code to work. See the wrong and correct coding below. It might be not the same issue…