How to make a jQuery Colorbox pop up page responsive?
jQuery( document ).ready( function(){ var custom_timeout = ( function() { var timers = {}; return function ( callback, ms, uniqueId ) { if ( !uniqueId ) { uniqueId = "Don't call this twice without a uniqueId"; } if ( timers[uniqueId] ) { clearTimeout ( timers[uniqueId] ); } timers[uniqueId] = setTimeout( callback, ms ); }; })(); $(".group1").colorbox({rel:'group1', width:"80%" }); $( window ).resize( function(){ custom_timeout(function(){ if( $('#cboxOverlay' ).css( 'visibility' ) ){ $(".group1").colorbox.resize({ innerWidth:'80%' }); } }, 500 ); }); });
Click the links below. To test responsiveness, visit my responsive tools ).
Great tutorial! THanks!