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Genesis remove home page title
Paste the codes below into your function.php add_action(‘get_header’,’remove_title’); function remove_title(){ if( is_home() || is_front_page() ){ remove_action( ‘genesis_entry_header’, ‘genesis_entry_header_markup_open’, 5 ); remove_action( ‘genesis_entry_header’, ‘genesis_do_post_title’ ); remove_action( ‘genesis_entry_header’, ‘genesis_entry_header_markup_close’, 15 ); } }

WordPress pagination using ajax
Visit my demo page HTML CODE: <div id="prev-next" class="clearfix"> <a class="page-numbers" href="http://example.com/category/blog/">1</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="http://example.com/category/blog/page/2/">2</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="http://example.com/category/blog/page/3/">3</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="http://example.com/category/blog/page/10/">4</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="http://example.com/category/blog/page/10/">5</a> </div> SCRIPT $(‘a.page-numbers’).live( ‘click’, function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $( ‘#loading’ ).show(); var link = $( this ).attr( ‘href’ ); $( ‘#loop’ ).animate({ opacity:0.1 }, 200, function(){ $( this ).load( link + ‘ #loop’,…
Google Adsense javascript error.
How to fix this kind of error? This is showing on your console of a browser. adsbygoogle.js:35 Uncaught TagError: adsbygoogle.push() error: All ins elements in the DOM with class=adsbygoogle already have ads in them. With this codes below, your problem is solve. <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(‘ins’).each(function(){ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); }); });…
How to disable zoom in/zoom out on google map iframe tag?
How to disable zoom in/zoom out on google map iframe tag? Just use style=”pointer-events:none” inline CSS. see example below. <iframe style="pointer-events:none" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d1804.199470732143!2d55.32552972069876!3d25.25716190966307!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0000000000000000%3A0x5fea75ca1d9225ff!2sEmirates+Islamic+Bank!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sph!4v1463111255665" width="100%" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Output:
Woocommerce hooks and customization.
All of the codes below will be place on your function.php Change number of products displayed per page add_filter( ‘loop_shop_per_page’, create_function( ‘$cols’, ‘return 1000;’ ), 20 ); Archive columns global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop[’columns’] = 4; // Change the product category list column to 4. Archive columns with body class add_filter(‘body_class’,’archive_columns’); function archive_columns($classes) { global $woocommerce_loop; $classes[]…
Custom Jquery collections
Navigation menu on-click prevent default if menu item has children and fires only on second click // OPTION 1 // JQUERY $( ‘.menu-item-has-children a’ ).click( function(e){ $( this ).parent().toggleClass( ‘active-li’ ); if( $( this ).next( ‘.sub-menu’ ).css( ‘display’ ) == ‘block’ ){ e.preventDefault(); } }); // CSS ul.menu .sub-menu { display: none; } ul.menu .active-li…
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