WordPress codex for page
How to get the current page slug?
global $post; $slug = get_post( $post )->post_name;
Remove the ” <p></p> “ on the footer add_filter( ‘genesis_footer_output’, ‘footer_remove_p’ ); function footer_remove_p( $output ){ $output = ”; } Default functions <?php /** * Genesis Framework. * * WARNING: This file is part of the core Genesis Framework. DO NOT edit this file under any circumstances. * Please do all modifications in the form…
Colorbox default parameters defaults = { transition: "elastic", speed: 300, width: false, initialWidth: "600", innerWidth: false, maxWidth: false, height: false, initialHeight: "450", innerHeight: false, maxHeight: false, scalePhotos: true, scrolling: true, inline: false, html: false, iframe: false, fastIframe: true, photo: false, href: false, title: false, rel: false, opacity: 0.9, preloading: true, current: "image {current} of {total}",…
add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘hidden_image_before_content’ ); function hidden_image_before_content( $content ){ global $post; if ( is_singular(‘post’) && has_post_thumbnail() ){ $content = preg_replace( "/<p>/", ‘<p class="hide">’ . get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, ‘full’) . ‘</p><p>’, $content, 1 ); } return $content; }
Hello guys, have you experience this issue on your current theme? WooCommerce archive, and single product pages does not displaying the default layout? Details show in one paragraph instead of grid? That means your current theme does not support Woocommerce and that’s what were going to do now. Just add the codes below and your…
Wrap the genesis footer widgets and footer section by footer wrap. Example: <div class="footer-widgets"></div> <footer class="site-footer" role="contentinfo" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://schema.org/WPFooter"></div> Using the codes below, this will be the output look like. <div class="footer-wrap"> <div class="footer-widgets"></div> <footer class="site-footer" role="contentinfo" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="http://schema.org/WPFooter"></div> </div> add_action( ‘genesis_before_footer’, ‘footer_wrap_start’, 1 ); add_action( ‘genesis_after_footer’, ‘footer_wrap_end’ ); function footer_wrap_start(){ echo ‘<div id="footer-wrap">’; }…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ferri oratio definitiones ei vim. Mea ei nulla noluisse dissentiunt, id dicat nominati repudiare usu. Nam maluisset consulatu gubergren cu, falli praesent vis ea. Indoctum deseruisse quo ne, pro ex lorem ancillae accusamus. Usu conceptam maiestatis at. Mei semper docendi concludaturque id. An vix paulo urbanitas consetetur. Rebum impedit an…