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Override rtMedia media-gallery.php template into current WordPress theme

Override rtMedia media-gallery.php template into current WordPress theme is now not a problem. For example you have artist role in your users and you want different template for the artist role. This apply in `http://www.sample.com/members/artist/media/music/` page. Then create a folder inside the `/public_html/wp-content/themes/current-theme/rtmedia/media`. Create your `media-gallery-artist.php` file or simple clone the `media-gallery.php` and renamed it…

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get_the_ID() conflict in nested WP_Query codes

Hi guys, I have this problem during my WordPress coding journey. The `get_the_ID()` has conflict in nested `WP_Query` codes. On the first `WP_Query` loop, the ID for example is 20, then inside that loop I have another `WP_Query` (see the codes below) that makes the `WP_Query` codex more completed if you don’t code it right….

How to add new dashboard page using Javo Directory WordPress theme?

Having trouble in Javo Directory WordPress theme? Currently the PHP class code that manage all the templating system of the Javo Directory WordPress theme. I’ll have a sample code on how to add new dashboard page using Javo Directory WordPress theme. In my case I’d like the `Add Listing` page to be displayed within dashboard…

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Buddypress codex

How to add an `Add Friend` button in a custom templates? Copy the codes below. How to get the total friends count? Read more here https://buddypress.wp-a2z.org/oik_api/friends_get_total_friend_count/. How to get the total friend requests count? Read more articles below. bp_friend_total_requests_count – https://buddypress.wp-a2z.org/oik_api/bp_friend_total_requests_count/ bp_friend_get_total_requests_count – https://buddypress.wp-a2z.org/oik_api/bp_friend_get_total_requests_count/ How to remove `Add Friend` button in Buddypress pages. Active menu…