WDES Column Generator
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ferri oratio definitiones ei vim. Mea ei nulla noluisse dissentiunt, id dicat nominati repudiare usu. Nam maluisset consulatu gubergren cu, falli praesent vis ea. Indoctum deseruisse quo ne, pro ex lorem ancillae accusamus. Usu conceptam maiestatis at. Mei semper docendi concludaturque id. An vix paulo urbanitas consetetur. Rebum impedit an…
How to hide Gravity Form field Label? I have 2 ways to solve the problem. Option 1: via CSS code. Option 2: via PHP code to be placed on your functions.php. Happy coding… 🙂
How to fix “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent” error? Do have something like this error on your WordPress site? To fix this, I simply go to this folder directory “/public_html/wp-content/themes/template/” and find the “file.php”. Open this to your text editor, mine is Dreamweaver. You will see before the php code ”
After clicking add to cart button in product category, this will be redirecting to single product and the same time your current product is added to cart page. How to do that? Follow the steps bellow. Step 1: Make sure to change the product URL. Just add “?add_to_cart=true” after the product URL. Example. http://www.wptaskforce.com/product/baby-boy-bouquet/?add_to_cart=true Step…