Display WordPress video image
Using the <video> tag, you can display the first image of a video but its not clickable and you can’t play the video. Example : Screenshot image Original videoVideo
Using the <video> tag, you can display the first image of a video but its not clickable and you can’t play the video. Example : Screenshot image Original videoVideo
Hi guys! good day.. I have a very short code here to connect your Woocommerce pages to the genesis sidebar layout. Paste the codes below on your functions.php. NOTE: If the codes below does not work, means your current Woocommerce hooks has been re-locate or Woocommerce hooks has been updated from before structure.
For example I want to add a ” Home Slider ” post type. Below is the perfect codes. Just copy and paste it into your functions.php Images that helps you to understand those arrays. References http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Types
For example I have ” /category/blog/ ” string and I want to convert it in an array.