Dequeue or deregister a style or script of JS Composer WordPress plugin
Dequeue or deregister a style or script of JS Composer WordPress plugin using your current theme functions.php. Paste the codes below.
Dequeue or deregister a style or script of JS Composer WordPress plugin using your current theme functions.php. Paste the codes below.
Dequeue or deregister a style or script in WordPress is now easy and no need more time to find solutions online. Example 1: I want to remove styles using `dequeue` function. If you can see, I want to remove the `anton-accordion-style-css` styles. Please see codes below. Code to be paste in functions.php Example 2: I…
WordPress page options resetting after pressing the enter keys and all of your settings go back to zero. This is usually this is happening when you create a custom page option in WordPress dashboard. The main reason is the reset button is declared ahead or coded before submit button. If you can see the `id=”reset”`…
Redirect selected pages or single page into specific page. Example, redirect a selected pages or a single page after login into your dashboard page, membership page, or any page you desired. You can use this but this is only access once. Once you’ve login, you cannot repeat the redirection. Unlike `template_redirect` hook, this will…
Design WP Login landing page (wp-login.php, wp-login.php?action=lostpassword,etc.). I’d like to share some CSS code for you, you can enhance it on your own and this is just an example of mine. The 2 screenshot will be the layout output in WP login landing page. Copy the PHP code to your functions.php of your current WordPress…