How to add additional HTML after the page title using Visual Composer Fancy title (the7 WordPress theme).
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How to add additional HTML after the page title using Visual Composer Fancy title (the7 WordPress theme).

I have a search form to add below page title using Visual Composer Fancy title (the7 WordPress theme) page editor. I look for alternative solutions that I can insert my additional HTML content. Lucky me to found it, and here’s the code on how to add additional content. Add this code on your functions.php, can…

How to fix Woocommerce shipping zone in the same country (example is UK)?

Hi guys, this is the problem I got during this issue. Problem: I tried using 3 zone of UK country, but if do search a specific postcode, it only shows the Mainland UK shipping method. Example if I search a postcode near in Northern Ireland, I expected to see Standard Delivery shipping method only but…