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Gravity Forms Media Upload Field for BuddyPress Complete Tutorial

Gravity Forms Media Upload Field for BuddyPress Complete Tutorial Gravity Forms Media Upload Field for BuddyPress is an WordPress addon for Gravity Forms, BuddyPress, Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On. Plugins mentioned is required before this plugin. It helps user to upload photo and cover photo with advance cropping of the image. You might interested to…

This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest major releases of WordPress

This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest major releases of WordPress

This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest major releases of WordPress is showed up to my WordPress plugin after I did not update my WordPress plugins for a year I think or months and many WordPress version is released after that. This is the exact notice message displayed: How to fix it? Edit your…

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WooCommerce archive, and single product pages does not displaying the default layout

Hello guys, have you experience this issue on your current theme? WooCommerce archive, and single product pages does not displaying the default layout? Details show in one paragraph instead of grid? That means your current theme does not support Woocommerce and that’s what were going to do now. Just add the codes below and your…

Override InWave Jobs template to the current theme
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Override InWave Jobs template to the current theme

Override InWave Jobs template to the current theme is little bit hard for the WordPress beginners so I want to write tutorials that can help them solving this issue. Before that, just a little background for InWave Jobs.  InWave Jobs is created by inwavethemes which I beleive many WordPress users is now using this, easy and very powerful plugin….

Uncaught TypeError: grecaptcha.render is not a function
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Uncaught TypeError: grecaptcha.render is not a function

Uncaught TypeError: grecaptcha.render is not a function console error is showing if the recaptcha api.js is not enqueue or the `grecaptcha.render` is fire before the recaptcha api.js is being enqueue. See the JS library link below. I’m having this error when I use the Gravity Form captcha field. As I explained above, that is the…