
WDES rtMedia Music documentation

WDES rtMedia Music template override All files inside the “templates” folder can be override in your current theme/child theme. To do that, create a “wdes-rtmedia-music” in your current theme/child theme and place the template file inside of “wdes-rtmedia-music” folder. Example: You want to override the “all.php” to your theme/child theme. Override to theme/child theme You want…

How to fix the “Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError” using WPBakery Visual Composer WordPress plugin?

How to fix the “Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError” using WPBakery Visual Composer WordPress plugin?

How to fix the “Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError” using WPBakery Visual Composer WordPress plugin? Are having trouble fixing this error on your end? This error is visible in your console developer tools. To fix the issue, first you have to look the script handler that is registered for the google API. To do that,…

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How to add like button in media gallery item using Buddypress and rtMedia WordPress plugin?

Hi guys !!! How to add like button in media gallery item using Buddypress and rtMedia WordPress plugin? Please follow the steps below. Step 1: Override the “media-gallery-item.php” in your WordPress theme. Step 2: Place the code anywhere inside of your “li” tag. Step 3: Paste this code to your functions.php. Step 4: Paste this…

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How to add @mention in Buddypress single media page (or rtMedia single page)?

How to add @mention in Buddypress single media page (or rtMedia single page)? Copy the codes below to your functions.php Next is override the media-single.php file in your theme folder (wp-content/themes/my-theme/rtmedia/media) . The file path output must be wp-content/themes/my-theme/rtmedia/media/media-single.php. Open the media-single.php in your text editor and find the and replace with the codes below….


How to merge your personal and friends activity stream using Buddypress WordPress plugin?

Hi guys, having a trouble on how to merge your personal and friends activity stream using Buddypress WordPress plugin? Codes below may help you to solve the issue. The codes will apply only in your personal activity but it is includes the friends activity also. For more details and additional parameters, read it here https://codex.buddypress.org/developer/loops-reference/the-activity-stream-loop/….