Remove the ” <p></p> “ on the footer
add_filter( 'genesis_footer_output', 'footer_remove_p' );
function footer_remove_p( $output ){
$output = '';
Default functions
* Genesis Framework.
* WARNING: This file is part of the core Genesis Framework. DO NOT edit this file under any circumstances.
* Please do all modifications in the form of a child theme.
* @package Genesis\Footer
* @author StudioPress
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link
add_action( 'genesis_before_footer', 'genesis_footer_widget_areas' );
* Echo the markup necessary to facilitate the footer widget areas.
* Check for a numerical parameter given when adding theme support - if none is found, then the function returns early.
* The child theme must style the widget areas.
* Applies the `genesis_footer_widget_areas` filter.
* @since 1.6.0
* @uses genesis_structural_wrap() Optionally adds wrap with footer-widgets context.
* @return null Return early if number of widget areas could not be determined, or nothing is added to the first widget area.
function genesis_footer_widget_areas() {
$footer_widgets = get_theme_support( 'genesis-footer-widgets' );
if ( ! $footer_widgets || ! isset( $footer_widgets[0] ) || ! is_numeric( $footer_widgets[0] ) )
$footer_widgets = (int) $footer_widgets[0];
//* Check to see if first widget area has widgets. If not, do nothing. No need to check all footer widget areas.
if ( ! is_active_sidebar( 'footer-1' ) )
$inside = '';
$output = '';
$counter = 1;
while ( $counter <= $footer_widgets ) {
//* Darn you, WordPress! Gotta output buffer.
dynamic_sidebar( 'footer-' . $counter );
$widgets = ob_get_clean();
$inside .= sprintf( '<div class="footer-widgets-%d widget-area">%s</div>', $counter, $widgets );
if ( $inside ) {
$output .= genesis_markup( array(
'html5' => '<div %s>',
'xhtml' => '<div id="footer-widgets" class="footer-widgets">',
'context' => 'footer-widgets',
) );
$output .= genesis_structural_wrap( 'footer-widgets', 'open', 0 );
$output .= $inside;
$output .= genesis_structural_wrap( 'footer-widgets', 'close', 0 );
$output .= '</div>';
echo apply_filters( 'genesis_footer_widget_areas', $output, $footer_widgets );
add_action( 'genesis_footer', 'genesis_footer_markup_open', 5 );
* Echo the opening div tag for the footer.
* Also optionally adds wrapping div opening tag.
* @since 1.2.0
* @uses genesis_structural_wrap() Maybe add opening .wrap div tag with footer context.
* @uses genesis_markup() Apply contextual markup.
function genesis_footer_markup_open() {
genesis_markup( array(
'html5' => '<footer %s>',
'xhtml' => '<div id="footer" class="footer">',
'context' => 'site-footer',
) );
genesis_structural_wrap( 'footer', 'open' );
add_action( 'genesis_footer', 'genesis_footer_markup_close', 15 );
* Echo the closing div tag for the footer.
* Also optionally adds wrapping div closing tag.
* @since 1.2.0
* @uses genesis_structural_wrap() Maybe add closing .wrap div tag with footer context.
* @uses genesis_markup() Apply contextual markup.
function genesis_footer_markup_close() {
genesis_structural_wrap( 'footer', 'close' );
genesis_markup( array(
'html5' => '</footer>',
'xhtml' => '</div>',
) );
add_filter( 'genesis_footer_output', 'do_shortcode', 20 );
add_action( 'genesis_footer', 'genesis_do_footer' );
* Echo the contents of the footer.
* Execute any shortcodes that might be present.
* Applies `genesis_footer_backtotop_text`, `genesis_footer_creds_text` and `genesis_footer_output` filters.
* For HTML5 themes, only the credits text is used (back-to-top link is dropped).
* @since 1.0.1
* @uses genesis_html5() Check for HTML5 support.
function genesis_do_footer() {
//* Build the text strings. Includes shortcodes
$backtotop_text = '[footer_backtotop]';
$creds_text = sprintf( '[footer_copyright before="%s "] · [footer_childtheme_link before="" after=" %s"] [footer_genesis_link url="" before=""] · [footer_wordpress_link] · [footer_loginout]', __( 'Copyright', 'genesis' ), __( 'on', 'genesis' ) );
//* Filter the text strings
$backtotop_text = apply_filters( 'genesis_footer_backtotop_text', $backtotop_text );
$creds_text = apply_filters( 'genesis_footer_creds_text', $creds_text );
$backtotop = $backtotop_text ? sprintf( '<div class="gototop"><p>%s</p></div>', $backtotop_text ) : '';
$creds = $creds_text ? sprintf( '<div class="creds"><p>%s</p></div>', $creds_text ) : '';
$output = $backtotop . $creds;
//* Only use credits if HTML5
if ( genesis_html5() )
$output = '<p>' . $creds_text . '</p>';
echo apply_filters( 'genesis_footer_output', $output, $backtotop_text, $creds_text );
add_filter( 'genesis_footer_scripts', 'do_shortcode' );
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'genesis_footer_scripts' );
* Echo the footer scripts, defined in Theme Settings.
* Applies the `genesis_footer_scripts` filter to the value returns from the footer_scripts option.
* @since 1.1.0
* @uses genesis_option() Get theme setting value.
function genesis_footer_scripts() {
echo apply_filters( 'genesis_footer_scripts', genesis_option( 'footer_scripts' ) );