How to get the current scroll top position?
How to get the current scroll top position? Copy and past the following codes below to your JS file.
var current_scroll = window.scrollY; console.log( current_scroll );
jQuery click event is not working when using .clone() or ajax. You can’t fire a click event after your element is loaded? I found the solutions below. [php] jQuery( document ).ready(function($) { $(document).delegate(“#my-clone-id”, ‘click’, function() { $(this).clone().appendTo( “body” ); }); }); [php]
Uncaught TypeError: grecaptcha.render is not a function console error is showing if the recaptcha api.js is not enqueue or the `grecaptcha.render` is fire before the recaptcha api.js is being enqueue. See the JS library link below. I’m having this error when I use the Gravity Form captcha field. As I explained above, that is…
WordPress Menu Exporter
Option 1 add_filter( ‘genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout’, ‘genesiscustomlayout’ ); function genesiscustomlayout(){ $pageobj = get_queried_object(); $pageid = absint($pageobj->ID); $pagelayout = get_post_meta($pageid , "_genesis_layout" , true); return $pagelayout; } Option 2 This function is to forced your custom post type content layout to full width. Common post type is post, page, and product ( woocommerce plugin pages ) and etc….
How to increase PHP Max Input Vars? Most common errors I’ve encountered is when I’m adding an menu items in menu dashboard. Some hosting company is easy to fix, something like using php.ini, or .user.ini file. In my case I’m using WP Engine hosting company and I’ve tried this two and I guess its not…