SQL order by fields
SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE ID IN (5,26,4) ORDER BY FIELD(ID,5,26,4)
str_replace( array( ‘<‘, ‘>’, ‘/’, ‘,’, ‘{‘, ‘}’, ‘?’, ‘*’ ), ”, $value[0]->post_content )
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Hi guys !!! How to add like button in media gallery item using Buddypress and rtMedia WordPress plugin? Please follow the steps below. Step 1: Override the “media-gallery-item.php” in your WordPress theme. wp-content/themes/mytheme-folder-name/rtmedia/media/media-gallery-item.php Step 2: Place the code anywhere inside of your “li” tag. <?php wdes_rtmedia_like( rtmedia_id(), bp_loggedin_user_id() ); ?> Step 3: Paste this code…
All of the codes below will be place on your function.php Change number of products displayed per page add_filter( ‘loop_shop_per_page’, create_function( ‘$cols’, ‘return 1000;’ ), 20 ); Archive columns global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop[’columns’] = 4; // Change the product category list column to 4. Archive columns with body class add_filter(‘body_class’,’archive_columns’); function archive_columns($classes) { global $woocommerce_loop; $classes[]…
Have a problem on Captcha responsive CSS layout? Just copy the CSS codes below and this will solve your problem. You can also make your own design if want. Dont forget to download the Captcha logo. Option 1 @media only screen and ( max-width: 360px ) { #recaptcha_widget_div { overflow: hidden; } #recaptcha_widget_div #recaptcha_area {…
Here’s how The7 WordPress themes page layout change via filter functions. How to manage your page/post layout? Remove sidebar or sidebar in left or right? We can use filter function to do the task. This is mostly used in custom post type pages. Original code snippets of The7 WordPress themes inc/helpers/html-helpers.php function presscore_main_container_classes( $custom_class =…