Showing 1–16 of 24 results

  • 4nton Accordion


    [wdes-popup-title id=”3133″] [wdes-popup-content id=”3133″]

  • Placeholder

    4nton Featured Events Manager Layout 1


    4nton Featured Events Manager Layout 1 is an addons of 4nton Featured Events Manager.

  • Placeholder

    4nton Featured Events Manager Layout 2


    4nton Featured Events Manager Layout 2 is an addons of 4nton Featured Events Manager.

  • Gravity Forms Featured Image Upload Field


    Featured Image Upload Field is a Gravity Forms add-on that is specialized for featured post image upload of your front-end create post form. Crop the image before upload, available back-end field settings for enhanced or change the layout like image dimension (width and height), change the default text button, and many more.

    Make sure you have the latest Gravity Forms plugin installed in your website and enjoy the rest of the features.

    Here’s the steps in screenshot, soon I’ll create a video on how to setup.

    Step 1
    make sure you install Gravity Forms before the Gravity Forms Featured Image Upload Field.

    Step 2
    Create a form and add the Gravity Forms Featured Image Upload Field.

    Step 3
    Create your post, select image, adjust the image view, click save, and submit. If your setup is correct you can see the latest post in your dashboard and the image is uploaded to the media library. See pictures below.


    You can purchased the specific features with the following plugins below.

    Gravity Forms Image Upload Field for User Registration

    Image Upload Field for User Registration is a Gravity Forms add-on that is specialize for front-end user registration form. It has the ability to upload a user avatar or profile picture during the user registration process. This field has advance settings that can help you adjust the preferred design on the front-end form such as image dimension (width and height), text button, etc. and other settings to enhance front-end layout.


    Gravity Forms Media Upload Field

    Media Upload Fieldis a Gravity Forms add-on that allow users to upload an image with advance front-end setup, and easy to use image cropping. This field provide advance settings to manage the image dimension (width and height) and other settings that can be found in the front-end layout.


  • Gravity Forms Media Upload Field - User Profile Avatar Photo

    Gravity Forms Image Upload Field for User Registration


    Image Upload Field for User Registration is a Gravity Forms add-on that is specialize for front-end user registration form. It has the ability to upload a user avatar or profile picture during the user registration process. This field has advance settings that can help you adjust the preferred design on the front-end form such as image dimension (width and height), text button, etc. and other settings to enhance front-end layout.

    Image Upload Field for User Registration requires Gravity Forms and Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On before install.

    Watch the video before purchase

    Add the field on your registration form

    Make sure you have create user feed

    Front-end sample screenshots


    You can purchased the specific features with the following plugins below.

    Gravity Forms Featured Image Upload Field

    Featured Image Upload Field is a Gravity Forms add-on that is specialized for featured post image upload of your front-end create post form. Crop the image before upload, available back-end field settings for enhanced or change the layout like image dimension (width and height), change the default text button, and many more.


    Gravity Forms Media Upload Field

    Media Upload Fieldis a Gravity Forms add-on that allow users to upload an image with advance front-end setup, and easy to use image cropping. This field provide advance settings to manage the image dimension (width and height) and other settings that can be found in the front-end layout.


  • Sale!

    Gravity Forms Media Upload Field

    Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $25.00.

    Media Upload Field is a Gravity Forms add-on that allow users to upload an image with advance front-end setup, and easy to use image cropping. This field provide advance settings to manage the image dimension (width and height) and other settings that can be found in the front-end layout.

    Gravity Forms Media Upload Field
    Gravity Forms Media Upload Field


    • Buddypress integration (new)
      Allow users to upload Buddypress cover photo or profile photo. This includes the registration and update form – click here
    • User Registration Avatar Photo (new)
      Override the users profile photo or WordPress avatar photo that is link to your Gravatar WordPress account. Works on registration form only – click here
    • Featured Image
      Featured images (also sometimes called Post Thumbnails) are images that represent an individual Post, Page, or Custom Post Type. See video tutorials hereclick here
    • User Avatar Photo
      Override the users profile photo or WordPress avatar photo that is link to your Gravatar WordPress account. Works only for logged-in user – click here
    • Automatically Upload Files to Media Library
      All images uploaded can be manage in WordPress media library where you can easily delete or edit the image. Check your /wp-admin/upload.php admin page.
    • Crop Image
      Chose to crop an image in any image dimension, set an image dimension, select the best portion of an image you like, zoom in out the image, and many more awesome things you can do on this feature.
    • Easy To Use
      Integrates directly with Gravity Forms field settings just like the other standard fields. and easy to use image cropping. It has developer friendly admin settings that is very helpful.
    • Common Uses
      Manage to crop the selected image portion with image dimension standard.
    • Upload Uses
      Mostly used in profile photo or profile cover updates using Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On.

    Check my Media Upload Field demo


    You can purchased the specific features with the following plugins below.

    Gravity Forms Image Upload Field for User Registration

    Image Upload Field for User Registration is a Gravity Forms add-on that is specialize for front-end user registration form. It has the ability to upload a user avatar or profile picture during the user registration process. This field has advance settings that can help you adjust the preferred design on the front-end form such as image dimension (width and height), text button, etc. and other settings to enhance front-end layout.


    Gravity Forms Featured Image Upload Field

    Featured Image Upload Field is a Gravity Forms add-on that is specialized for featured post image upload of your front-end create post form. Crop the image before upload, available back-end field settings for enhanced or change the layout like image dimension (width and height), change the default text button, and many more.


  • Gravity Forms Media Upload Field for BuddyPress


    Gravity Forms Media Upload Field for BuddyPress requires Gravity Forms and Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On in order to use this plugin.

    You can also purchased the main plugin (Gravity Forms Media Upload Field) with more features including this Gravity Forms Media Upload Field for BuddyPress add-on.

  • Gravity Forms Perks File Upload Profile Photo


    Gravity Forms Perks File Upload Profile Photo is a Gravity Forms add-on that allows users to upload an image with a professional front-end setup that feels like magic. This feature is focused on the user avatar, or user profile photo. This support for zooming and cropping to enhance the image file upload field.


    • Buddypress integration
      Allow users to upload Buddypress cover photo or profile photo. This includes the registration and update profile form.
    • User Registration Avatar/Profile Photo
      Override the users avatar/profile photo or WordPress avatar/profile photo that is link to your Gravatar WordPress account.
    • User Update Avatar Photo
      Override the users profile photo or WordPress avatar photo that is link to your Gravatar WordPress account during logged-in session.
    • Crop Image / Zoom
      Chose to crop an image in any image dimension, set an image dimension, select the best portion of an image you like, zoom in out the image, and many more awesome things you can do on this feature. This feature depend on Gravity Perks plugin.

    How to use it?

    Note: Ensure you have the necessary plug-ins installed and enabled listed above.

    Create a form using the Gravity Form add on

    Fill up the form fields in the popup modal. (Note: In this form we will create a user registration for front-end page )

    After the form was created it will redirect to the form page. Add your required fields in the form by simply drag and drop process.

    Open the “Advanced Fields” section in the right sidebar section of the page to open the fields for the user registration. Note: Make sure to add file upload form fields for the user profile photo and user profile banner.

    For the user profile photo and user banner fields we need to set up and use the Gravity Form perk settings.

    To set up the form, select the field by clicking the field section, Click the “Field Settings” and enable the “File Upload PRO”

    Note: Do the same process with the profile cover.

    After all the form fields is set up, click “Save Form” button in the top right corner of the page.

    Now the form is saved, Let set up the form user registration settings. Hover the mouse pointer on the “Settings” tab menu. A new sub menu will popup and select the “Users Registration” submenu.

    Click the “Add New” button at the top right corner of the user registration section to create user registration feed.

    Click the “Create User” option and assign the fields for the user settings.

    At the bottom of the settings field look for the section “User meta” and create custom fields for the user profile and banner meta fields. Use the following meta keys for the user custom meta key

    1. User profile photo : gfpfupp_profile_photo
    2. User profile banner: gfpfupp_cover_photo

    Create 2 meta key for each user profile photo and user profile banner, and assign key to the form field file upload form fields for the profile photo and banner.

    Click the “Save Settings” button at the bottom of the form to save the settings.

    Now, we set up the form for user registration, let’s check the form on the front end page, but before checking on the front page lets’s create a new page for the user registration and use the created Gravity form for the user registration and make sure to save the page.

    Now everything is set up let’s finally check the output in the front end page.

    After uploading the file it will allows you to crop the image, check the image below.

    We did it, congrats!

  • Gravity Forms User Edit Profile Image Upload Field


    User Edit Profile Image Upload Field is a Gravity Forms add-on that allow users to edit or replace their current user profile image or avatar image. With advance image cropping features, and user friendly front-end layout, they can easily setup their image within few clicks. This also field provide advance settings to manage the image dimension (width and height), text display, and many more within the field options.


    • User Avatar Photo (new)
      Override the users profile photo or WordPress avatar photo that is link to your Gravatar WordPress account. Works only for logged-in user.
    • Automatically Upload Files to Media Library
      All images uploaded can be manage in WordPress media library where you can easily delete or edit the image. Check your /wp-admin/upload.php admin page.
    • Crop Image
      Chose to crop an image in any image dimension, set an image dimension, select the best portion of an image you like, zoom in out the image, and many more awesome things you can do on this feature.
    • Easy To Use
      Integrates directly with Gravity Forms field settings just like the other standard fields. and easy to use image cropping. It has developer friendly admin settings that is very helpful.
    • Common Uses
      Manage to crop the selected image portion with image dimension standard.
    • Upload Uses
      Mostly used in profile photo or profile cover updates using Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On.

    Check my Media Upload Field demo


    You can purchased the specific features with the following plugins below.

    Gravity Forms Image Upload Field for User Registration

    Image Upload Field for User Registration is a Gravity Forms add-on that is specialize for front-end user registration form. It has the ability to upload a user avatar or profile picture during the user registration process. This field has advance settings that can help you adjust the preferred design on the front-end form such as image dimension (width and height), text button, etc. and other settings to enhance front-end layout.


    Gravity Forms Featured Image Upload Field

    Featured Image Upload Field is a Gravity Forms add-on that is specialized for featured post image upload of your front-end create post form. Crop the image before upload, available back-end field settings for enhanced or change the layout like image dimension (width and height), change the default text button, and many more.


  • Responsive Popup WordPress plugin


    WDES Responsive Popup is a desktop, mobile, browser, and user/developer friendly. This plugin is design for your window popup content for your WordPress website. You can create a customizable popup window using shortcodes for your dashboard editor (post, page, widgets, and more) and a ready function for your custom templates. Commonly used in login, registration or signup, contact form, and more. You can add unlimited popups with their own configurations (page settings). It has different type of animations, window styles, close icon styles, can manage background image/color, font size, text color and many other options. You can manage your popup via cookie to expired by hours, days, months, or years and can be applied only in Home, Pages, Posts, Archives, or all pages. For more information, please check the plugin documentation and examples.

    Buy WDES Responsive Popup ASPS Addon to get this features

    • With 5 available popup animation (Appear from Center, Top to Bottom, Bottom to Top, Left to Right, Right to Left).
    • Up to 10 available close icon styles.
    • With 4 available popup window style.
    • onClick popup in navigation menus (`wp-admin/nav-menus.php`), no shortcode or coding required.
    • Show popup after the page is loaded, no shortcode or coding required.
    • Use image as background inside or outside the box of your popup window.
    • Manageable styles like background color, font size, font color, width, and height without doing any CSS code.
    • Disable or Enable overlay onClick (outside the white box that close when click).
    • Close icon styles (border,background color,color) in page settings.
    • Provide shortcodes for dashboard editor and ready functions for custom templates.
    • Manage your popup visibility via cookie, so it will not keep on showing on your browser.
    • Manage cookie to expired by hours, days, months, or years.
    • Manage cookie to applied only in Home, Pages, Posts, Archives, or all pages.
    • Popup can be disabled if the user is logged-in.
    • For more exciting features, please visit our WDES Responsive Popup examples.

    BUY WDES Responsive Popup ASPS Addon NOW !!!

    Download WDES Responsive Popup for free

    Documentation Examples

  • WDES Responsive Mobile Menu

    WDES Responsive Mobile Menu is a developer friendly WordPress responsive mobile menu. Providing easy access within your website in mobile with mobile friendly layout.

    Give your mobile visitor a best experience using WDES Responsive Mobile Menu and not bored because they cannot access any pages on your site. This plugin has very flexible design in any mobile screen and no conflict CSS/JS to your theme.

    You can manage styles, logo, etc. via admin options. This plugin is automatically running (if enabled in admin option) without doing any backend coding from several themes like WPCargo, Genesis, Outreach Pro, Executive Pro, Extended Pro, The7, Avada, Canvas, and Jupiter.

    If your current themes is not mentioned above, you can still use WDES Responsive Mobile Menu by just adding the `wdes_responsive_mobile_menu()` function after the body opening tags. Normally this can be found in header.php of your theme template.


    <?php wdes_responsive_mobile_menu(); ?>


    • Can select one of the `Navigation Menus` created in menu dashboard. Default is the menu that is set as primary.
    • It has `Header Top` section where you can add your `phone number`, `email address`, and `social networks`. This is displayed above your site logo and navigation menu.
    • Manage the `site logo`, `Background Color`, `Text Color`, `Text Font Size`, border, etc in WDES Responsive Mobile Menu page options.
    • `Custom CSS` where you can add you custom CSS codes (if needed).
    • `Import/Export` options.
    • More available layouts in WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Layouts.

    WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Demo Site.


  • WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Layout 1


    WDES Responsive Mobile Menu is a developer friendly WordPress responsive mobile menu. Providing easy access within your website in mobile with mobile friendly layout.

    Give your mobile visitor a best experience using WDES Responsive Mobile Menu and not bored because they cannot access any pages on your site. This plugin has very flexible design in any mobile screen and no conflict CSS/JS to your theme.

    You can manage styles, logo, etc. via admin options. This plugin is automatically running (if enabled in admin option) without doing any backend coding from several themes like WPCargo, Genesis, Outreach Pro, Executive Pro, Extended Pro, The7, Avada, Canvas, and Jupiter.

    If your current themes is not mentioned above, you can still use WDES Responsive Mobile Menu by just adding the `wdes_responsive_mobile_menu()` function after the body opening tags. Normally this can be found in header.php of your theme template.


    <?php wdes_responsive_mobile_menu(); ?>


    • Can select one of the `Navigation Menus` created in menu dashboard. Default is the menu that is set as primary.
    • It has `Header Top` section where you can add your `phone number`, `email address`, and `social networks`. This is displayed above your site logo and navigation menu.
    • Manage the `site logo`, `Background Color`, `Text Color`, `Text Font Size`, border, etc in WDES Responsive Mobile Menu page options.
    • `Custom CSS` where you can add you custom CSS codes (if needed).
    • `Import/Export` options.
    • More available layouts in WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Layouts.

    WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Demo Site.


  • WDES Responsive Popup ASPS Addon


    Version 1.0.8

    WDES Responsive Popup ASPS Addon is activating the page settings for WDES Responsive Popup WordPress plugin.


    • With 5 available popup animation (Appear from Center, Top to Bottom, Bottom to Top, Left to Right, Right to Left).
    • Up to 10 available close icon styles.
    • With 4 available popup window style.
    • onClick popup in navigation menus (`wp-admin/nav-menus.php`), no shortcode or coding required.
    • Show popup after the page is loaded, no shortcode or coding required.
    • Use image as background inside or outside the box of your popup window.
    • Manageable styles like background color, font size, font color, width, and height without doing any CSS code.
    • Disable or Enable overlay onClick (outside the white box that close when click).
    • Close icon styles (border,background color,color) in page settings.
    • Provide shortcodes for dashboard editor and ready functions for custom templates.
    • Popup can be disabled if the user is logged-in.
    • For more exciting features, please visit our WDES Responsive Popup examples.

    Download WDES Responsive Popup for free

    Documentation Examples

  • WDES Responsive Popup Cookie Addon


    WDES Responsive Popup Cookie Addon can manage your popup via cookie to expired by hours, days, months, or years and can be applied only in Home, Pages, Posts, Archives, or all pages.

    Documentation Examples

  • WDES rtMedia Music


    Latest Version is 1.0.4

    WDES rtMedia Music is designed for rtMedia WordPress plugin addons. This plugin is useless without Buddypress and rtMedia installed in your site. WDES rtMedia Music has a way to categories/search your music by genre, artist, album, and also capable of adding a featured image in every music uploaded.
    Image is this directly save into WordPress uploads and can be found in media dashboard page. Install now to find out more usefull things features.

    Main Features

    • It has admin settings where located in rtMedia > WDES Music dashboard menu. There, you can change the global names, post per page, use shortcode ([ wdes-rtmedia-music ]) in custom pages, and more.
    • It has default pages like All Music page with search form and pagination, Upload page, Genre page.
    • All front-end templates can override to your theme/child theme folder. Visit WDES rtMedia Music documentation.


    WDES rtMedia Music Genredownload here
    • This addons can categories your music by genre before the music uploaded and in edit media page.
    • You can search the music by genre.
    • Genre name can be renamed in rtmedia settings in WordPress dashboard.
    • Can add/remove list of genre via rtmedia settings in WordPress dashboard.
    WDES rtMedia Music Imagedownload here
    • This addons can add a featured image in your music media page.
    • Image size can be change in rtmedia settings in WordPress dashboard. Both featured image and thumbnail image.
    • Add featured image can be done before the files uploaded and in edit music media edit page.
    • Images is stored in WordPress media folder (wp-content > uploads).
    WDES rtMedia Music Artistdownload here
    • You can set artist before the music uploaded or even in edit music page.
    • You can search the music by artist.
    • You can view all artist.
    • You can view the music by artist.
    • Artist name can be renamed in rtmedia settings in WordPress dashboard.
    • Artist can be sync/setup by registered user (all users or by roles) or free text in rtmedia settings in WordPress dashboard.
    WDES rtMedia Music Album – coming soon
    WDES rtMedia Music Author – coming soon

    WDES rtMedia Music demo

  • WDES rtMedia Music Artist


    WDES rtMedia Music Artist is for WDES rtMedia Music addons.

    Recent version is 1.0.4


    • You can set artist before the music uploaded or even in edit music page.
    • You can search the music by artist.
    • You can view all artist.
    • You can view the music by artist.
    • Artist name can be renamed in rtmedia settings in WordPress dashboard.
    • Artist can be sync/setup by registered user (all users or by roles) or free text in rtmedia settings in WordPress dashboard.
    • Templates can be override in your theme/child theme. See WDES rtMedia Music documentations.

    View demo
    View by artist demo
    View artist music demo