WDES Column Generator
If this is happening on your end, try this troubleshooting. Check if your Gravity Form short code if is placed outside the wp_footer();. I guess the short code does not support any function outside the wp_footer();. You should put your Gravity Form short code before wp_footer();. Much better if it is placed on inside the…
I have a search form to add below page title using Visual Composer Fancy title (the7 WordPress theme) page editor. I look for alternative solutions that I can insert my additional HTML content. Lucky me to found it, and here’s the code on how to add additional content. Add this code on your functions.php, can…
How to get current product category slug?
The codes below suits on product subcategory looping. Get the custom field of every subcategory ( inside the loop ). Get the check-box label text.
Hi guys, having a trouble on how to merge your personal and friends activity stream using Buddypress WordPress plugin? Codes below may help you to solve the issue. The codes will apply only in your personal activity but it is includes the friends activity also. For more details and additional parameters, read it here https://codex.buddypress.org/developer/loops-reference/the-activity-stream-loop/….
Create a simple user activation popup using the WordPress default layout. Commonly the activation link is display in home page. I have simple CSS/JQUERY to set your activation page into simple popup. See codes below. CSS codes: Output: