WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Layout 1 Add-ons sample options
Click every tab to get the sample options and se the screenshot image.
[anton-accordion cat=”270″]
Click every tab to get the sample options and se the screenshot image.
[anton-accordion cat=”270″]
Change WordPress default email notification. Mostly used in new user registration, the default is `WordPress <wordpress@yourdomain.com>`. In my case I want to change the WordPress Name to my domain name. The output will be `Anthony Carbon <info@anthonypagaycarbon.com>`. The codes below will complete your tasks.
Hi guys, having a hard time looking a codes online on how to create a WordPress customize settings? I guess, your not alone. But for me, I’m done on it and converted already into a tutorial. I’m hoping to help someone with this kind of problem. I have a tutorials below on how to create…
If you want to create a drop-down menu, I have a sample codes below. It is very simple but will put your mobile much user friendly. It’s up to you on how you design the layout. I’d like to recommend to use WDES Responsive Mobile Menu if you want your mobile views won’t take so…
Dequeue or deregister a style or script of JS Composer WordPress plugin using your current theme functions.php. Paste the codes below.
Just simply go to your WordPress profile and ENABLE / DISABLE the settings. Please image below.
How to control the post displayed on a specific category? You can solve this problem by simply copy the codes below on your functions.php file.