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Add Woocommerce product category image using GeneratePress WordPress theme
Add Woocommerce product category image using GeneratePress WordPress theme in few steps. You need to access your functions.php. Either on a parent theme or a child theme. In my case I’m using a child theme so gonna paste the codes below on child themes functions.php Please copy the code below and paste it into your…
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Woocommerce add to cart redirection using WooCommerce – Gravity Forms Product Add-Ons plugins.
After clicking add to cart button in product category, this will be redirecting to single product and the same time your current product is added to cart page. How to do that? Follow the steps bellow. Step 1: Make sure to change the product URL. Just add “?add_to_cart=true” after the product URL. Example. http://www.wptaskforce.com/product/baby-boy-bouquet/?add_to_cart=true Step…

Woocommerce shop add ” Default Product Sorting ” drop down option.
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