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Add Woocommerce product featured image using GeneratePress WordPress theme
Add Woocommerce product featured image using GeneratePress WordPress theme in few steps. You need to access your functions.php. Either on a parent theme or a child theme. In my case I’m using a child theme so gonna paste the codes below on child themes functions.php Please copy the code below and paste it into your…
Add BCC email in Woocommerce new order via product post meta
Add BCC email in Woocommerce new order via product post meta? How to do that? Create a custom field with a meta_key of ’email_address’ and put the codes to your functions.php add_filter( ‘woocommerce_email_headers’, ‘mycustom_headers_filter_function’, 10, 2 ); function mycustom_headers_filter_function( $headers, $object ) { if( $object == ‘new_order’ ){ global $woocommerce; $cart = $woocommerce->cart; if(!empty($cart)){ $group…
How to get the category ID of the current post?
How to get the category ID of the current post? Just copy the codes below and paste it into your .php file. $category = get_the_category( get_the_ID() ); $category_ID = $category[0]->term_id; Another problem is, what if the category ID is a sub category and you need the parent category ID? For Example, the current category ID…
The7 WordPress theme share buttons on single post or custom post type.
Having problem on The7 WordPress theme share buttons on single post or custom post type? You can display a share buttons anywhere using this codes below. Mostly needed in custom post type that does not support this feature. $share_buttons = presscore_display_share_buttons_for_post( ‘post’, array(‘echo’ => false)); if ( $share_buttons ) { printf( ‘<div class="post-meta wf-mobile-collapsed">%s</div>’, $post_tags…
How to add a new WordPress user using CPANEL access?
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