Convert pixels into numbers. ( add/subtraction purposes )
1024px – 1px
parseInt( 1024px ) – 1
Output: 1023px
Paste the following css to your style.css
How to get the current scroll top position? Copy and past the following codes below to your JS file.
Dequeue or remove Gravity Forms style or css in your WordPress site. Common styles of Gravity Forms is `formreset.css`, `datepicker.css`, `formsmain.css`, `readyclass.css`, and `browsers.css`. Gravity Forms has action called `gform_enqueue_scripts`, you can visit the link for more information. I want to deregister this style gforms_datepicker_css in functions.php. To do that, using the codes below your…
Re-register the default genesis sidebar into your function.php. See the image above for html output.
How to Zoom in effects in hover? Copy the HTML / CSS structure and paste it into your editor. Example: HTML CSS
If you encountered the same error just like the image above, just follow this instructions. Open your wp-config.php in cpanel and add this code.