Convert pixels into numbers. ( add/subtraction purposes )
1024px – 1px
parseInt( 1024px ) – 1
Output: 1023px
Copy the codes below and follow the instructions. FOR SPECIFIC CATEGORY 1. Install Category Featured Images plugin. 2. Add an image to your category post. 3. Create a file that named category-7.php ( NOTE : The “7” in category-7.php is the category ID of your specific category ). 4. Copy and paste the codes in…
Question: How to use WDES Responsive popup in revolution slider? Answer: You can add a new layer in revslider and put the “[wdes-popup-title id=”popup_id”] ” inside the new layer. Place the “[wdes-popup-content id=”569″]” in the footer or in the page editor.
VIDEOJS: ERROR: videojs-contrib-ads has not seen a loadstart event 5 seconds after being initialized, but a source is present. This indicates that videojs-contrib-ads was initialized too late. It must be initialized immediately after video.js in the same tick. As a result, some ads will not play and some media events will be incorrect. For more…
How to get current product category slug?
Fatal error: Allowed memory size is showing if the default WordPress or hosting allocated memory is reach. In some case this can be fix via wp-config.php, php.ini, or .user.ini. If the error is still not fixed, better to contact your hosting provider and let them fix the error. This is my error: Using php.ini or…