How to get the current scroll top position?
How to get the current scroll top position? Copy and past the following codes below to your JS file.
var current_scroll = window.scrollY; console.log( current_scroll );
Facebook share says “Not Found Back to Facebook” using Elated Themes error can be fix by using this codes below. Just edit this code in social-share.php file located in your theme folder/framework/modules/shortcodes/socialshare/social-share.php case ‘facebook’: if ( wp_is_mobile() ) { $link = ‘\’’ . urlencode(get_permalink()). ‘\’, \’sharer\’, \’toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=280\’);’; } else { $link = ‘\’[title]=’ . urlencode(kreate_elated_addslashes(get_the_title()))…
On my current, I have this “martygeocoderaddress” custom fields and it contains a string with Queen Anne’s. On my JS code below Wrong html += ”; html += ‘<?php echo get_post_meta( $product->id , ‘martygeocoderaddress’ , true ); ?>’; // Output is ‘Queen Anne’s’ which is wrong and this can’t be read by your JS code….
This code is to display the current browser name of your browser. $browser = new Browser(); echo $browser_detect->getBrowser(‘browser_name:Browser:private’); // browser name echo $browser->getVersion(); // browser version Then this code is to be placed to your function.php file of your current theme get_template_part( ‘browser’ ); Then create a new file browser.php inside of your current theme…
How to add @mention in Buddypress single media page (or rtMedia single page)? Copy the codes below to your functions.php add_filter( ‘bp_get_activity_content’, ‘filter_bp_get_activity_content’, 10, 1 ); function filter_bp_get_activity_content( $content ) { global $bp, $wpdb; $mention_link = ”; $mention_dummy = ”; $at_all = array(); $at_mention = ”; $at_space = ”; $at_text = ”; $mention_dummy = $content;…
Code below is to get current user ID. $user_ID = get_current_user_id(); Code below is to get all user meta. $user_meta = array_map( function( $a ){ return $a[0]; }, get_user_meta( $user_ID ) ); echo $user_meta[last_name]; echo $user_meta[description]; Output : Development Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc arcu urna, id donec. Sample array. Array ( [first_name] =>…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ferri oratio definitiones ei vim. Mea ei nulla noluisse dissentiunt, id dicat nominati repudiare usu. Nam maluisset consulatu gubergren cu, falli praesent vis ea. Indoctum deseruisse quo ne, pro ex lorem ancillae accusamus. Usu conceptam maiestatis at. Mei semper docendi concludaturque id. An vix paulo urbanitas consetetur. Rebum impedit an…