Gravity Form missing style sheet in wp head ( no Gravity Form CSS found )
If this is happening on your end, try this troubleshooting.
Check if your Gravity Form short code if is placed outside the wp_footer();. I guess the short code does not support any function outside the wp_footer();. You should put your Gravity Form short code before wp_footer();. Much better if it is placed on inside the loop.
Gravity Form short code before wp_footer(); sample.
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[ gravityform id="5" name="Example" title="false" description="false" ajax="true" ]' ); wp_footer(); ?>
If this is still not fixed, try to deactivate conflict plugin. Another issue I found is conflict between gravity form widgets of `Page Builder by SiteOrigin` plugin (Version 2.6.2). Hope this is fix on the next version.
to fix it, just remove that widgets and just use shortcode instead.
Hope this will help you.