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  • Responsive Popup WordPress plugin


    WDES Responsive Popup is a desktop, mobile, browser, and user/developer friendly. This plugin is design for your window popup content for your WordPress website. You can create a customizable popup window using shortcodes for your dashboard editor (post, page, widgets, and more) and a ready function for your custom templates. Commonly used in login, registration or signup, contact form, and more. You can add unlimited popups with their own configurations (page settings). It has different type of animations, window styles, close icon styles, can manage background image/color, font size, text color and many other options. You can manage your popup via cookie to expired by hours, days, months, or years and can be applied only in Home, Pages, Posts, Archives, or all pages. For more information, please check the plugin documentation and examples.

    Buy WDES Responsive Popup ASPS Addon to get this features

    • With 5 available popup animation (Appear from Center, Top to Bottom, Bottom to Top, Left to Right, Right to Left).
    • Up to 10 available close icon styles.
    • With 4 available popup window style.
    • onClick popup in navigation menus (`wp-admin/nav-menus.php`), no shortcode or coding required.
    • Show popup after the page is loaded, no shortcode or coding required.
    • Use image as background inside or outside the box of your popup window.
    • Manageable styles like background color, font size, font color, width, and height without doing any CSS code.
    • Disable or Enable overlay onClick (outside the white box that close when click).
    • Close icon styles (border,background color,color) in page settings.
    • Provide shortcodes for dashboard editor and ready functions for custom templates.
    • Manage your popup visibility via cookie, so it will not keep on showing on your browser.
    • Manage cookie to expired by hours, days, months, or years.
    • Manage cookie to applied only in Home, Pages, Posts, Archives, or all pages.
    • Popup can be disabled if the user is logged-in.
    • For more exciting features, please visit our WDES Responsive Popup examples.

    BUY WDES Responsive Popup ASPS Addon NOW !!!

    Download WDES Responsive Popup for free

    Documentation Examples

  • WDES Responsive Mobile Menu

    WDES Responsive Mobile Menu is a developer friendly WordPress responsive mobile menu. Providing easy access within your website in mobile with mobile friendly layout.

    Give your mobile visitor a best experience using WDES Responsive Mobile Menu and not bored because they cannot access any pages on your site. This plugin has very flexible design in any mobile screen and no conflict CSS/JS to your theme.

    You can manage styles, logo, etc. via admin options. This plugin is automatically running (if enabled in admin option) without doing any backend coding from several themes like WPCargo, Genesis, Outreach Pro, Executive Pro, Extended Pro, The7, Avada, Canvas, and Jupiter.

    If your current themes is not mentioned above, you can still use WDES Responsive Mobile Menu by just adding the `wdes_responsive_mobile_menu()` function after the body opening tags. Normally this can be found in header.php of your theme template.


    <?php wdes_responsive_mobile_menu(); ?>


    • Can select one of the `Navigation Menus` created in menu dashboard. Default is the menu that is set as primary.
    • It has `Header Top` section where you can add your `phone number`, `email address`, and `social networks`. This is displayed above your site logo and navigation menu.
    • Manage the `site logo`, `Background Color`, `Text Color`, `Text Font Size`, border, etc in WDES Responsive Mobile Menu page options.
    • `Custom CSS` where you can add you custom CSS codes (if needed).
    • `Import/Export` options.
    • More available layouts in WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Layouts.

    WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Demo Site.


  • WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Layout 1


    WDES Responsive Mobile Menu is a developer friendly WordPress responsive mobile menu. Providing easy access within your website in mobile with mobile friendly layout.

    Give your mobile visitor a best experience using WDES Responsive Mobile Menu and not bored because they cannot access any pages on your site. This plugin has very flexible design in any mobile screen and no conflict CSS/JS to your theme.

    You can manage styles, logo, etc. via admin options. This plugin is automatically running (if enabled in admin option) without doing any backend coding from several themes like WPCargo, Genesis, Outreach Pro, Executive Pro, Extended Pro, The7, Avada, Canvas, and Jupiter.

    If your current themes is not mentioned above, you can still use WDES Responsive Mobile Menu by just adding the `wdes_responsive_mobile_menu()` function after the body opening tags. Normally this can be found in header.php of your theme template.


    <?php wdes_responsive_mobile_menu(); ?>


    • Can select one of the `Navigation Menus` created in menu dashboard. Default is the menu that is set as primary.
    • It has `Header Top` section where you can add your `phone number`, `email address`, and `social networks`. This is displayed above your site logo and navigation menu.
    • Manage the `site logo`, `Background Color`, `Text Color`, `Text Font Size`, border, etc in WDES Responsive Mobile Menu page options.
    • `Custom CSS` where you can add you custom CSS codes (if needed).
    • `Import/Export` options.
    • More available layouts in WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Layouts.

    WDES Responsive Mobile Menu Demo Site.


  • WDES Responsive Popup ASPS Addon


    Version 1.0.8

    WDES Responsive Popup ASPS Addon is activating the page settings for WDES Responsive Popup WordPress plugin.


    • With 5 available popup animation (Appear from Center, Top to Bottom, Bottom to Top, Left to Right, Right to Left).
    • Up to 10 available close icon styles.
    • With 4 available popup window style.
    • onClick popup in navigation menus (`wp-admin/nav-menus.php`), no shortcode or coding required.
    • Show popup after the page is loaded, no shortcode or coding required.
    • Use image as background inside or outside the box of your popup window.
    • Manageable styles like background color, font size, font color, width, and height without doing any CSS code.
    • Disable or Enable overlay onClick (outside the white box that close when click).
    • Close icon styles (border,background color,color) in page settings.
    • Provide shortcodes for dashboard editor and ready functions for custom templates.
    • Popup can be disabled if the user is logged-in.
    • For more exciting features, please visit our WDES Responsive Popup examples.

    Download WDES Responsive Popup for free

    Documentation Examples

  • WDES Responsive Popup Cookie Addon


    WDES Responsive Popup Cookie Addon can manage your popup via cookie to expired by hours, days, months, or years and can be applied only in Home, Pages, Posts, Archives, or all pages.

    Documentation Examples