WDES Responsive Tool 2
After clicking add to cart button in product category, this will be redirecting to single product and the same time your current product is added to cart page. How to do that? Follow the steps bellow. Step 1: Make sure to change the product URL. Just add “?add_to_cart=true” after the product URL. Example. http://www.wptaskforce.com/product/baby-boy-bouquet/?add_to_cart=true Step…
Renaming existing tabs. This code works on how to remove the review tab in single product page.
Hi guys, this is the problem I got during this issue. Problem: I tried using 3 zone of UK country, but if do search a specific postcode, it only shows the Mainland UK shipping method. Example if I search a postcode near in Northern Ireland, I expected to see Standard Delivery shipping method only but…
Hi guys! good day.. I have a very short code here to connect your Woocommerce pages to the genesis sidebar layout. Paste the codes below on your functions.php. NOTE: If the codes below does not work, means your current Woocommerce hooks has been re-locate or Woocommerce hooks has been updated from before structure.
How check if current user has pmpro_hasMembershipLevel? Copy and paste the code below to your custom template.